Saturday, August 8, 2009


sp this is a tad late but hey i finally got pictures!!! so i only added the important one cuz i have so many!!! so have fun and comment as you wish

this is the beach that we went to. it's on the gulf of mexico it was so warm and kayley lost her sunglasses here
this is on the jurassic park ride

kayley and mandy waiting inline at the et ride notice this is before the beach cuz kayley has her sunglasses
so if you look really closly at the sign there is a bird this is inside the JFK airport

the island of adventure tower

so kayley and mandy were waiting inline at a ride and kayley loves the simpsons so i took a picture f them for her.

betty boop

so this seat when you sit down where mandy is it squirts water at yoeu and she didnt want to ge wet it was awesome!!!

this is at our second hotel this pavillion thing changed colors there were 5 hot tubs and 3 swim pools and a slide it was pretty cool.
captin america

this is our first hotel there were animals like this one on every balcomy

this is the first holtel at both hotels there were little wading pools like this one for the little kids

this is the slide drop at the first hotel

the pool at the first hotel

had to take a picture of this because of the movie

this is the beelejuice show at universal

that old lady is my grandma she was one of the actors for this ride\show thing

mom got ate my a shark.

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