Tuesday, April 28, 2009

for camille so she doesnt freak out again ha ha just kidding!!!

okay so you want details. well i still have to goodwins car so i drove to his house and because of mapquest i didnt get lost he was pretty impressed by that!!! so we went to this restaurant called TAIPHOON its in the gateways and it's served family style so i just let him pick he had been their before and knew what was good. so we ate and then went to go home because he had to work. but the nice thing about him is their is never nothing to talk about we just talk and talk. well it was so darn cute he said " i wish i could stay with you all day and not go to work" AHHHH talk about melting your heart!!!! so we went back to his house and he put me in his car and said see you later cutie!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! well so i went to leatherbys that night with some girl friends and i asked him if he wanted anything and i would take it to work for him well he said nah he wasnt feeling well. well on my way home he was like you thirsty? so i said sure and we went to a gas station to get a drink. well we sat in my car and talked for like half an hour. well so there is this jetblue carnival that my mom is in charge of on saturday and dallas really wanted to help but he is scheduled to work. well my mom said that if he talked to his supervisor he should get it off. so he was telling me yeaterday at lunch how he really only wanted to go because i was going. but so why he was at work they recruited him to go. SO he is going to be there really with me but shhhhh YAY!!!!


so as many of you know i teach swim!! so i really have needed more business and so i posted an ad on KSL!!! well i got one hit so far and it was this 26 year old man. i said i would do it but i was a little freaked out!!! the image in my mind was this big huge guy with long hair that was really hairy and tattoos everywhere. so today was the day of my lesson so i dragged Kayley with me to save me. well it ends up it was this cute little Asian man who is getting married in Hawaii and needs to learn how to swim!! and I'm ALIVE!!!well it turns out the poor guy really cant swim and it wasn't a joke!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

2 in one day

So i had my date this morning and it went awesome!!!! we went to lunch and AHHH it was so cool

lets play catch up!!!!

okay so if you dont know i have been seeing this guy dallas he works with my mom at jetblue and is incredibly awesome!!! we have our third date in about half an hour!!! yes thats right i said our third date!!!! he is the most polite nice sweet guy i have ever dated!!! YAY me!!!! on our first date we went to leatherbys and on our second date we went mini golfing where ha ha i beat him!! and to lunch!!!
megans attitude has burned another bridge for the time being she is living with my dad and i wish her all the luck
on friday we had a girls night at my boss's house pictures to come hopefully. we had fondu and dinner and it was so mcuh fun to be with the girls!!!!
doug and jessica had their baby girl rachel and i got the oppertunity to stay at their house and watch the dog and drive their car and have fun i loved it. on sunday yesterday i had institute graduation thespeakers were wonderful and i hope and pray it sunk in to my sisters. my dad ended up coming but caused MAJOR drama before. i do love the man sometimes but i wish there was a machine you could pop him into to fix his faults. o well i guess it's my life long challenge in life that i'll have to deal with. lets just hope if and when i get married he doesnt pull the crap he did last night.
well i'll try to post the pictures later and tell you about my date.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

shh dont tell kayley im telling you this story she'll kill me!!!!

so we were coming home from a friends house last night and kayley turns to my mom and says i have a story to tell you but i didnt want to say at dinner eveyone would make fun of me. so my mom said okay kayley whats your story? so this is kayleys words it's much funnier her way.

so i was outside with friends today and i looked down and there was a bug carrying another bug. i thought it was so funny so i told my friends. and they said kayley that bug is not carrying the other bug. i said yes huh. LOOK they are on top of each other. my friend said kayley they are making little bugs. mom i freaked out i covered my eyes and everything. i was screaming a freaking out. i cant believe that these bugs were doing it in front of me. AHHHHH my eyes are burned forever.

so thats pretty close to how she told it. o my it was so funny it wasnt even happeneing at that moment and she was freaking out like it had just happened. she was so funny about it. my mom and i were cracking up. but you didnt hear it from me.

Monday, April 20, 2009

crazy week and stuff for people (like camille)

okay so this blog is going to be everywhere!!!
so first gradutaion is on the 25th my computer wont let me pull up the map BUT here is the link http://www.slcc.edu/locations/redwood.asp
then click on map. the easiest way is to go down 54 to 22oow and go to slcc it will be all the buildings off to your right it's abut 47oos so there will be a light turn right and there is like a road you can turn right or left on turn right and take your first left into the parking lott. it will be that building right in front of you. if you have any questions you have my cell yes all of you do. or just ask me for it.

my cake for family home evening
mandy and kayley went to prom

yes they wore shorts under their dresses

kayley killin mandy

cute sisters

so mikes house. he was not very happy so we sheered him up but shhhhhh

the manakin!!! he he it was the best!!!

amy, me and whit getting ready to have fun

my door!! breanne decided to trash my room for my birthday
my bed!!!

my room!! it was a mess BUT we used this stuff for mikes house!!

sorry that the pictures are sideways my computer wouldnt let me turn them it decided to freeze!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Frustration is hard to overcome.....

1) Megan: she is in one od her moods this week and has decided that because she is 18 she does not have to come t our house that she can go to my dad's house. but not tell anyone till 5 minutes before it's time to come home.
2) Did not get pool job: well i applied to be manager a taylorville pool and the person that got it is a junior and high school and wanted it more. HMMM i called the lady in like feb. and sent my app sortly after. not wanting it more what is this crap? BUT dont worry i am still teaching private lessons if interested.
3) job hunting: yes i am still working at seagull and i love the place but i need more hours and money so i have been on craigs list for hours. and have sent several emails. lets hope something happen i also applied for american express.
4) STUPID COLD WEATHER: i am a spring baby but i was born is arizona and i want my sun back please....
5) Family: so there is a story with this one. sunday night easter sunday at the dinner table there was a big discussion on how i never have second dates and blah blah blah come on people i just turned 20. though it would be nice to get a second date so people will leave me alone.

SO on a happy note i did have a date with dallas who is the kid that works with my mom. he is way way polite and opened my doors and everything. it was fun. well hopefully this week will get better come on tommorrow is friday!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

pickle trees, easter at work, cake fun, and birthday blues

so we'll start with pickle trees. we were all at my grandmas house my dad and sister Mandy and my other sisters Kayley and Megan and my and we were eating dinner talking about how blond Mandy is. well my dad told this story about her that i just had to share. so Mandy was at work and was talking to one of their co workers (Mandy and dad work together) and he was mentioning that he was going to try to make pickles over the weekend or something like that and all the sudden Mandy looks at him and says "you cant make pickles the grow on trees" the guy just looked dumb founded like did this really just come out of her mouth. well he said in turn no Mandy pickles are pickled cucumbers. and she kept saying that pickles grow on trees. so the guy had to have my dad explain it to her. or my gosh we were dying of laughter. my mom later said on the way home that she was a little embarrassed that Mandy thought that.

so i made a cow cake for me as i love cows and this is just a because cake as im not celebrating my birthday (read on) and then i made a butterfly cake for my grandma she loves butterfly and thats what we had on easter.
the cow cake
the side of the butterfly cake both sides looked like this

the butterfly cake. so the twins were picking off the candy before even dinner and my aunt came after dinner before cake and wanted to eat on of the orange slices to say the least after we sang to grandma dad aunt and me everyone went right for the candy before we even cut it.
so at seagull we decorate the windows and his little display shelf thing. so i was the one doing it this month and i was so happy so here are the pictures.
the window

the upper part of the window my friend syrina did the rainbow but i did the rain drops.

and the bunny in the case this i was most proud of how creative i was
so everyone usually has a grand old time on their birthday and i am having a very hard time with turning 20 i dont know why but i am i spent most of the weekend ceying!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???? so i have decided to cancel my birthday the cow cake is for my birthday but i turned itinto a just cause cake. but i guess someday i'll have to come to terms that im 20 UGH well at least im not turning almost 50 (yes my moms birthday age this year)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

spacy bri....

okay well i had my "surgery" yesterday i had 3 crowns done. now to people with normal mouths that is easy as pie heres the thing my mouth would NOT numb to save it's life. he ended up putting 15 shots to numb me and i still could feel it so he put be in that your still awake but very happy place. my lips cheeks and ears were numb for hours but i could feel my teeth. i had to eat jello and bread while numb which was a fun experiance and when un numb i had to eat jello with a knife not so fun!!! to say the least he said i had to eat liquid foods for 3 or 4 days and i hate it im always hungry and i really want chicken cord on blu!!!! so yesterday about 2 hours after my surgery i had a interveiw for the pool job and mind you i was still very numb and couldnt talk the chick probally thought i was like on pot or something.
so today i woke up in tears i was in so much pain but i had to go to school for a test well taking that test while on ibprophin 800 which knocks me out is fun. my mom was going to give me perkecet but decided that would not be a good idea. so here i am falling asleep at the computer LITTERALLY!!!
but on a happier note i get to see bj today and i am making a butterfly cake and a cow cake this weekend!!! YAY

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why the next two weeks of all weeks???

so with easter just around the corner i am working everynight that i have available which is not the days i go to school. well with that a very speical event is happening on the 14 and i have to go to school and the day before i have to work and i cant even go to dinner at the pasketts :( which i love. and on the 15 i have to work so i came up with the idea that i will make a cake and before i go to school celebrate it all by myself. as my family will be at school and work. o by the way the speical event is my BIRTHDAY!!!! but i decided because im all grown up and i cant celebrate it NO ONE IS TO GET ME ANYTHING!!! GOT IT!! just birthday wishes would be good!!! yes miss mellisa that mean you!!!
o going on last sunday before general conference kim and darwin handed me a lesson plan for sunday school and said we think you really nedd to do this one. and kim said i want pat to do it but darwin says you need to do it. great lets boost my selfesteem not make it drop. well so i said fine and kim said by the way we may have some stake vistors GREAT!!!! talk about pressure so i went home and ran into my moms room (She left schurch early cuz of her foot) and broke down crying telling her i could not do this task NO WAY she told me to pray about it and i did and thought fine i'll do it. she also said OOO FUN IM COMING TO YOUR CLASS TO WATCH!! so today i told her she is not to judge me on my lesson!!! she said fine she guess she would have to oblige. well so saturday the day of general conference looking at my schedule for the week i noticed i had a dentist appointment and guess what it;s not your normal cleaning one i get to hae the pleasure of having # crowns done at one time now these are lets put the permants on these are the lets dig your tooth out and make you swolen and live on pain pills... see i swell really bad when thay work on my mouth and i bleed really bad. so i walked right upstairs and said to my mom " SATAN IS TRYING TO RUIN THIS LESSON FOR ME!!" my mom looked at me and burst out laughing and siad why do you say that??? and i said "i have to have a triple crown done i'm going to look like a monkey and talk like a giraffe!!! and i have to talk about marriage in this lesson i think i should just give in and say i QUIT well i soon realized that maybe i do need this lesson and i'll just do it and pray that i look some whatnormal so they are listening to the lesson and not looking at my monkey face!!!
then i found out that you can graduate from institute. so on april the 26 i have a ceremony and i get a certificate of achievment so i really dont want to go but my mom thinks it's important and i'm slowly warming up to the idea until i asked my dad to come.. his birthday is the day before and he said im going camping for my birthday but ill see what i can do the thing is my ceremony is on a sunday and its at 7 pm he's like its not like your getting anything to important. so i lost it and decided that i wasnt going but my mom said to invite grandparents who will most likely not go becaude they step foot in a church for mission farewells homecoming or baby blessings or if their is a reception. that is their rule. so i did invite some friends and i sure hope that they can smoe just so it's not my mother and i sitting on the bench. so if yoou would like to come be my adoptive family let me know!!! ha ha just kidding.
well that is my rant for today as i soon will find out that my week will get worse watch i'll have to like give a talk in sacrament with a monkey face!! THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO ASK ME!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

cheese fry anonomys

so megan (isham) and paige and a bunch of us try to get together to go to leathbys at least once a month and we ALWAYS get at least one order of cheese frys. when we go all the people who work there most likely think we are INSANE we just laugh and luagh and pretty much act drunk. so last night we went and we got one thing of frys and some ice cream and we always have water. well we finally decided that the water is the stuff that kills us and gets us all crazy. so we had one basket of frys and decided we had to have another. well it got so wild that we okay really it was me started comparing cheese frys to boys. you cant live with them and you cant live without them. but MMMMM are they good. so as we were about finished with the second basket the waiter came up and said should i get another batch started!! HA HA we all looked at each and laughed we were so utterly stuffed. megan was passing out and decided her wieght watchers for the day was ruined and paige well she is not allowed to laugh and drive. so as we were paying this guy comes up and says you guys are having to much fun i so wanted to come join you guys. he asked us why we were so crazy and thats when we decided the water is at fault. we are all fine and hunky dory but as soon as that liquid gold hits our tounges the party begins. we also sometime during the night decided that we have a severe addiction to cheese frys (hint the tital of this blog) and we need some serious help!!!!

the liqid gold!!!
the second batch we almost finished it but we were so full we looked like templton off of charlottes webb after he eats all the fair food!!!