Tuesday, April 21, 2009

shh dont tell kayley im telling you this story she'll kill me!!!!

so we were coming home from a friends house last night and kayley turns to my mom and says i have a story to tell you but i didnt want to say at dinner eveyone would make fun of me. so my mom said okay kayley whats your story? so this is kayleys words it's much funnier her way.

so i was outside with friends today and i looked down and there was a bug carrying another bug. i thought it was so funny so i told my friends. and they said kayley that bug is not carrying the other bug. i said yes huh. LOOK they are on top of each other. my friend said kayley they are making little bugs. mom i freaked out i covered my eyes and everything. i was screaming a freaking out. i cant believe that these bugs were doing it in front of me. AHHHHH my eyes are burned forever.

so thats pretty close to how she told it. o my it was so funny it wasnt even happeneing at that moment and she was freaking out like it had just happened. she was so funny about it. my mom and i were cracking up. but you didnt hear it from me.

1 comment:

  1. LOL That is so cute! I am glad she is innocent! We need more of that in the world.
